The Disappearing Messages in WhatsApp might be one of the niftiest additions to the messaging app. WhatsApp Disappearing Messages: The What and How Since Disappearing Messages is now available to the masses and was a quite requested feature, it only makes sense that we decided to talk about it in much greater detail.

This way the chat will be send to where it’s supposed to be, and you will find it in the “Chats” section again.Just like with most features, WhatsApp rolled it out in phases meaning not everyone was able to utilize it right away. Swipe one name to left and tap “Unarchive“. Tip: In another article we show you how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages on your iPhone. So you have to do it individually instead. Unfortunately there is no option to bring back all WhatsApp conversations at once. Once you have selected “Archived Chats”, you should see all the “deleted” chats you are looking for. Swipe downwards on the screen and an input field with the option “Archived Chats” will appear. If you can’t find the archived chats right away, don’t worry we explain how to find them. You should see a note that says “All of your chats are archived…”. Here’s where all your chats used to be, but right now there are none! Open “WhatsApp” on your iPhone and tap “Chats” in the bottom menu bar. And here is what you have to do to find your archived chats on WhatsApp: The archive is easily accessible and you can bring back your WhatsApp chats without any problems. If you are looking for one specific message that you feel got lost, just use the WhatsApp search feature and search for the individual message. This is usually the reason why your WhatsApp chat history disappeared suddenly if you did not get a new phone or phone number. If your WhatsApp messages disappeared suddenly without you deleting them, it is more likely that your chats slipped into the WhatsApp archive. It’s very unlikely that you deleted all your WhatsApp chats, because among other things you have to verify your phone number to delete all WhatsApp conversations. So, a slightly misplaced tap can cause all your WhatsApp chats to disappear. But don’t worry! They just got saved in the archive and you can bring them back quickly. Unfortunately, this option is right below the option to make a chat backup.

One option of the WhatsApp settings allows you to archive all chats with a finger tap. WhatsApp Chats Disappeared – How To Restore Chats